India’s Market Size

Inida - Market Size in Urban Infrastructure

Urban Challenges & Opportunities

India has seen rapid urbanisation in recent times, its urban population growing from 286 million in 2001 to 377 million in 2011, constituting 31.16% of the country’s population. India is on the “brink of an urban revolution” with its population in towns and cities expected to reach 600 million by 2031 or 40 percent of the population of 2031


India’s urban sector presently constitutes 63% of India’s GDP (up from 45% in 1990) and has been its key engine of growth acceleration in the past decade & by 2030 the urban sector will be contributing 70% to 75% to the country’s GDP. According to a McKinsey report by 2030 India will have 6 mega cities with a population of 10 million or more. 13 cities with 4 million people each and 68 cities with population of over 1 million each.


With only 31.16% of India’s population currently urbanized, along with high population density and low GDP per capita, India’s urbanization trends have scope to significantly accelerate. This gargantuan growth of urban population is throwing up challenges and opportunities in the housing and infrastructure sectors for the central, state and local/city government well as private industry. According to a new UN-backed report which pegged the gap in urban infrastructure investment in the country over the next 20 years at a whopping $827 billion.

Projected investment in next 20 years


Description US $ Billion
Urban Housing 1900
Urban Roads 392
Urban Transport 100
Water Supply 73
Sewerage 55
Rehabilitation – Sewer and Water 5
Smart City 12
Clean Ganga Mission 3
Storm Water Drains 43
Traffic Support & Infrastructure 22
Solid Waste Management 11
Street Lighting 4.2
Initiatives planned under Namami Gange for 10 Cities


Description of projects US $ Million
Sewerage Infrastructure 1250
River Front management 40
Industrial pollution 156
Solid Waste Management 8
Aviral Ganga 15
R & D 80
Ganga Task Force 62
Awareness Creation 20
Biodiversity Conservation 23

29 April 2015

Union Cabinet of India approves Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation and Smart Cities Mission to drive economic growth and foster inclusive urban development

Investment in Urban Infrastructure under AMRUT Mission for 500 Cities and 100 Smart Cities

Year 2015 to 2030

US $ Billion


Year 2015 to 2020

US $ Billion

Urban Roads 270 15
Water, Sanitation, SWM and SWD 125
O & M 310 —-
Smart Cities 15

No of Urban Areas

In the 2011 Census, 475 places with 981 OGs have been identified as Urban Agglomerations as against 384 UAs with 962 OGs in 2001 Census.

No of Towns / Cities
Sl. No. Type of Town Number of Towns
2001 2011 Increase
1 Statutory Towns 3,799 4,041 2,774
2 Census Towns 1,362 3,894
Total Towns 5,161 7,935
3 Urban Agglomerations 384 475
4 Out Growths 962 981
Total 8508 11402

At the Census 2011 there are 7,935 towns in the country. The number of towns has increased by 2,774 since last Census. Many of these towns are part of UAs and the rest are independent towns. The total number of Urban Agglomerations/Towns, which constitutes the urban frame, is 6166 in the country

Brief of India's Water Sector

  • 2.4 % of Worlds area
  • 20 % of World’s Population
  • Only 4 % of Fresh Water Available
  • Main Water Resource Precipitation ( + Transboundary flows from riparian (
  • Effective Availability

India is second largest water consuming country (Municipal drinking Water and Waste water + Industrial Waste Water

Current Water Scarcity Indicator

Year Population Per capita water availability
1951 361 million 5177 cubic meters
2011 1210 million 1544 cubic meters
  • Reduction of 70% in 60 years
  • Water stressed conditions availability <1700 cubic meters

Challenges in Water Sectors

  • Increasing water demand due to population pressure and urban sprawl
  • Industrial Growth
  • Water cycle imbalances
  • Water quality for various applications and availability

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