
India has the fastest growing economy in the world !

Opportunities in India

India has grown at an average of 7.5% GDP on an annual basis in the last decade.  India is poised to be the 3rd largest economy by year 2030 and the largest by 2050 in the world going by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and The World Bank reports. India will be a fully developed country by the Year 2030 resulting huge Opportunities in the Infrastructure Sector. Demographics is helping India since 65% of the population is below the age group of 35, & 20% of world’s population lives in India.

The 12th Five year plan (2012-2017) by the Government of India has budgeted 1 Trillion Dollars towards the Infrastructure sector. This provision is double of what was reserved in the previous 5 year Plan. The 12th five year plan consists of many large infrastructure projects out of which 50 % of the Funds shall be Financed  by the external aided agencies like ADB, JBIC, World Bank, etc., and through PPP models.

Due to India advantage in the field of infrastructure we are looking for Construction Companies interested to take up jobs in India. Similarly we are looking for manufacturers manufacturing products required in the Infrastructure sector. For such companies we wish to be their representatives in India to provide all the required support services as CATON and its team members have all the capabilities

Sewerage, Water Supply & Irrigation Scenario in India

  • Only 30% of our country is covered under sewerage system with piped network. Almost 80 percent of the water supplied for domestic use comes out as waste water. In most of the cases waste water is let out untreated, which either sinks into the ground as a potential groundwater pollutant or is discharged into the drainage system causing pollution in downstream areas.
  • As per the latest estimate out of 48,000 MLD of waste water generated in the country from Class I and II cities, only about 26 percent is treated before letting out, the rest is disposed of untreated. Twenty seven cities have only primary treatment facilities and forty-nine have primary and secondary treatment facilities.
  • There is opportunity in piped water supply network also as 40% of our country is yet to be covered.
  • Similarly there is lot of scope into Drip Irrigation piped network, as many states are taking up projects on a large scale. For drip irrigation projects subsidy is available from the Government of India.

Current Opportunity in Delhi Jal Board (DJB), Delhi

  • Currently DJB has prepared a Sewerage Master Plan for 2031, and is in the process of finalizing project reports.
  • DJB’s Approach for SMP-2031:
  • Main approach is to include development of decentralized wastewater system and using the treated water for various non-potable uses.
  • Concern for drying up of water bodies once entire Delhi is sewered. It was suggested to recycle and re-use the tertiary treated effluent for recharging of these bodies

The expected time for tendering is six months. Other than the DJB project lot of projects are going to come up throughout India.